Hi all,
Yes, I've changed the heading just a bit. Many people thought it was too generic and didn't think that I (yes, Gwen) put out this blog. Well, being the "novice" blogger that I am, I hope to make it more intuitive that this actually a blog for Gwen Gee, "thee' County Surveyor (as some of you might say)
I'll try to post something new once a week. As you may notice, I did miss a couple of weeks so far but someday when work here allows me, I'll catch up and perhaps post two or three items.
UPDATE - there's still plenty of public parking outside our building free for one hour. And it is literally, just right outside our building, the West Wing at 70 West Hedding. Street.
UPDATE - we have about 300 more Corner Records to transfer to our County Surveyor web page. Unfortunately it is a "labor intensive" task because of the limitations of the software we "have" to use.
In the meantime, if you need an updated spreadsheet for Corner Records or record maps, email me at gwen.gee@pln.sccgov.org and we'll get you up to date.
UPDATE - just a reminder that you can search the Fisher maps at the County Archivist website. Here's the lengthy link
there is a link to this site and more on our County Surveyor website.