Welcome (yes, it's me)

Welcome to the Blog of the Santa Clara County Surveyor being brought to you by Gwen Gee, PLS, CFedS.

We hope this will provide you updates and handy information about our office.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Public Assistance hours (aka "counter hours")


Starting on March 5, 2012 we will have Public Assistance counter hours as follows:

Monday          8 am - 11 am
Tuesday         8 am - 11 am and 1 pm - 4 pm
Wednesday    8 am - 11 am
Thursday        1 pm -  4 pm
Friday             Closed

Appointments are welcomed, please call 408-299-5728 to request an appointment.
We will continue to answer phone calls during regular business hours on regular working days 7:30 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday.

Free 1 hour parking is still available in the parking lot at southeast corner of Hedding and San Pedro Streets.

This is in an effort to help our small but mighty staff be more efficient in customer service and still be effective in maintaining our County Surveyor functions.

If you have comments or suggestions, please email them to county.surveyor@pln.sccgov.org

Thank you in advance for your patience.
Visit our website at www.sccgov.org/sccsurveyor