We have added a Quick Link to our website that will take you directly to our County GIS website.
Easy steps to follow:
1- go to the County Surveyor website
2- look on the right hand side for Quick Link
3- double click on the last item " Santa Clara County GIS"
You can navigate around and see the tools and views.
Here's a couple of screen shots to get you interested.
Soon you will see additional layers such as the County Cadastral Maps. So why is that significant? Right now, this is how you can determine the County Grid Number for an area. And with that, you can use it and the Excel spreadsheets (Record Maps and Corner Records) to find maps and Corner Records in your area of interest.
Now for the real good news, we are developing a GIS layer so you can search for record maps and Corner Records.
TTFN - stayed tuned!
Thanks for all you patience.
Please post a comment and let us know how we are doing.