Here's some general information.
County Cadastral Map
Generally, cadastral maps are use to
portray boundaries of tracts and subdivisions of lands within the County of
Santa Clara.
cadastral map is a map showing the boundaries of subdivisions of land. It is based on bearings, lengths and areas of
individual tracts, for purposes of describing and recording ownership. Some areas on the cadastral map may also show
topography, drainage, and other features relating to the value of the land and
its uses. The cadastral map number is
the first number used in the series of three numbers for determining the County
Grid Number. For example: County Grid No. 67-37-70 where 67 is the Cadastral Map number. See below for the rest of the County Grid Number.
The Cadastral Map layer is comprised of the County Cadastral
Maps series that cover the entire County of Santa Clara. It contains 281 individual maps and numbered
from west to east and from north to south.
Cadastral Map No. 1 is in the northwest area of Santa Clara County.
Each cadastral map covers approximately 150,000,000 ft sq..
County Grid Number (XY Grid Index)
Sometimes referred to as the xy
grid, grid index, Santa Clara County Grid, County Grid Number.
Clara County Coordinate System is a grid system comprised of x coordinates that
run west to east and y coordinates that run south to north numerically.
Each County Cadastral map has a grid as follows:
6 grids east and west (X-axis) that covers approximately 15,000 feet
4 grids north and south (Y-axis) that covers approximately 10,000 feet
They are based on California Coordinate System (CCS) but I'll go into that on another Blog....
Here's a sample of a Cadastral Map No. 67
From the example above, for our office which is located in County Grid No. 67-37-70 means Cadastral map number, 37 is the x-value and 70 is the y-value.