Welcome (yes, it's me)

Welcome to the Blog of the Santa Clara County Surveyor being brought to you by Gwen Gee, PLS, CFedS.

We hope this will provide you updates and handy information about our office.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Finally, take a look!

Well, coming back to posting now.  I hope my lapse will be worth taking a read at this post.

A picture aka image is always worth many words.  We have finally come up with a way to view maps from our Record Map Index.  They are know as "Counter Maps".  Counter Maps are what we use to index maps.

Go to this link
County Surveyor Counter Maps

Now enter a Book and Page for example Book 880 and Page 48

Now try Page 49

We will be adding more as time allows.
That's all folks.

A big thank you to my staff to made it all possible.

Monday, April 6, 2015

GIS Record Map Index (and CR index)

Happy April showers, may it help us with the drought.

Here a quick snip of the next "phase" of our indexes being converted into a GIS format.
I think a picture (or snippet) is worth lots of words.

Give the link below a try....


Hopefully it will make you smile.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Corner Record searching on GIS

Oh how time flies!  I'm back to posting again.  And I've got something to share!

Here's a new handy tool to use for searching for Corner Records in Santa Clara County.
First, here's a glimpse...

As you can see, the County GIS is the background.  The purple squares represent Corner Records that have been filed.  Once you zoom in close enough, a pop-up will allow you to "Click for Corner Record" for viewing the actual Corner Record. 

If you zoom out to this view, you can pan around to an area of interest.  If see this pop-up, you can "Click for Cadastral Map Image" and voila, a Cadastral Map will appear.  Even though these are dated, they are good for finding older recorded maps and vault maps.  For the old-timers, you know what I mean.

So if you like this preview, then keep an eye on our website for this new feature.


...until next time have a good time.
