Welcome (yes, it's me)

Welcome to the Blog of the Santa Clara County Surveyor being brought to you by Gwen Gee, PLS, CFedS.

We hope this will provide you updates and handy information about our office.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday time

It's the holidays again and yes, we will be here.  The County offices are only closed on December 24 and December 31 for Chistmas and New Year's Day.  We will have someone in the office during that time but it will be the "holiday" staff meaning, minimal staffing while people are on vacation or out in the field surveying.  We recommend calling ahead to make sure we are in the office when you come by.  So even if lurking for parking and want to call ahead, feel free to do so.
our direct numbers are:
Angie 299-5728
Chris 299-6863
Gwen 299-6864

Leave a message in case we are away from our desk for the moment.

And lastly, wishing you all a Happy Holiday from the County Surveyor staff.